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Command Description Heading
awk The awk command is used to scan each input file for lines that match any of a set of patterns
pwd The pwd command is used to show the path of the current directory print working directory
cd The cd command is used to change the current working directory change directory
ls The ls command is used to list directory contents
cal The cal command is used to display a calendar of the current month or a specific month and year. calendar
cat The cat command is used to print (show) files
cp The cp command is used to copy files or/and directories copy
mv The mv command is used to move (or rename) files or/and directories move
mkdir The mkdir command allows users to create or make new directories make directory
rm The rm command is used to remove objects such as files, directories and symbolic links remove
touch The touch command is used to change file access, change and modify timestamps of a file touch file
locate The locate command is used to quickly find filenames and directories
find The find command is used to locate files based on some specific criteria and either prints or performs another action as requested
file The file command is used to determine the type of a file
grep The grep command is for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression file pattern searcher
sed The sed command is used for text processing
sort The sort command is to sort or merge records (lines) of text and binary files
sudo The sudo command is generally used as a prefix of some command that only superuser is allowed to run
su The su command is used to switch to another user or the root substitute user identity
df The df command displays disk space usage and other elements of the file system short for disk free
du The du command displays the number of blocks used for files
head The head command is used to display first lines of a file (header)
hostnamectl The hostnamectl command is used to query and change the Linux system hostname and related settings
tail The tail command is used to display the last parts of a file (footer)
diff The diff command is used to compare two files line by line and display the difference between them
tar The tar command is used to compress a group of files into an archive.
zip The zip is a compression and file packaging utility for Unix
unzip The unzip command extracts files from the specific ZIP archive
chmod The chmod command is used to change file modes (permissions) of a file or directory
chown The chown is used to change owner, change the user or/and group ownership of each given file
jobs The jobs is a shell built-in command used to list the jobs that are running in the background and in the foreground
ps The ps command displays the currently-running processes process status
kill The kill is a command used to terminate or send signals to running processes kill process_id_#
passwd The passwd is a command used to change user's password passwd username
ping The ping is a command used to troubleshoot and diagnose network connectivity issues ping hostname
wget The wget is used to retrieve contents from the server. It is a non-interactive network downloader Its name derives from “World Wide Web” and “get”
uname The uname is a command to show the CPU architecture, hostname, and the version of the kernel of the kernel running on the system unix name
uniq The uniq is a command to report or filter out repeated lines in a file unique
top The top command is used to display and update information about the top CPU processes
history The history command is used to display history of all (executed) commands
man The man is used to display online manual documentation pages manual
echo The echo is used to display line or text/string that are passed as an argument write arguments to the standard output
hostname The hostname is a command to set or print name of current host system hostnamectl for Linux
useradd The useradd is a command to add user accounts to your system
userdel The userdel is a command to delete user accounts
w The w command is to view who is logged in and what they are currently doing
wc The wc command is used to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file or input.
unix_commands.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/22 13:09 by admin

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